Monday, June 12, 2006

One of the many shots of yours truly at the Rollcutter Rendezvous. Superbly organised by Peter and Rosemarie. Good weather, good friends, good food....good everything. Posted by Picasa
This shows the line up after replacing the buffer washers. Now............another sixty or so pipes !! Posted by Picasa
I have just spent four, very enjoyable days, at the Rollcutter Rendezvous.More of that later. My skeleton "Topsy" midi organ developed a loud mechanical tapping noise on some of the notes.The picture shows the problem !! Several of the solenoid buffer washers have been compressed to the point where they did not recover. Today they were all exchanged for washers made from a wool felt specially imported from France. At the moment they are on life test. They are much quieter and seem to be lasting very well. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Solenoid wiring completed. It has been a very tedious day.
Wires are multi coloured (from a printer cable) and very difficult to identify.
Hope they can carry enough current. Nous verrons as a certain person would say !!
Maybe, tomorrow, I can complete a small wind chest and play some music. Posted by Picasa
Valve stems and heads fitted. Tomorrow, the wiring. Posted by Picasa